- All candidates interested in getting admission to various programs in the College will have to first register themselves on the admission link provided on the College Website. After the registration, candidates will be provided login ID and password on their registered mobile number.
- Once you are provided the login and password, you may go to admission link to submit your admission form online.
- Print your Online Submitted Application form for your record. There is no need to send any document to the college.
- ADMISSION TO B.A./B.Sc./B.Com., Part I Classes shall be strictly on the basis of merit with due weightages/concessions on the basis of norms.
- ADMISSION to B.A., B.Sc., B.Com. Part II/III, M.Com., M.A., and M.Sc., Final Classes shall be open to all eligible candidates who have passed the previous qualifying examinations from this college as regular students.
- ADMISSION TO M.A./M.Sc./M.Com. Prev. Classes shall be open to those who have passed the qualifying examination as regular/private students from any University/College/Institution recognized by UGC.
- ADMISSION TO M.Sc. Prev. Classes shall be on the basis of merit with due weightages/concession as per the C. S. J. M. University, Kanpur norms.
- RESERVED CATEGORY: Scheduled caste and scheduled tribe candidates shall be admitted to all Part I classes as per government reservation policy and the rules of the C.S.J.M. University, Kanpur.
- Christian candidates seeking admission to B.A, B.Sc., B.com part-I, M.A, M.Sc., and M.Com., Previous classes shall be admitted as per norms applicable to them.
- COLLEGE FEE: After the merit list is declared, the selected students may deposit the prescribed College fee online by the stipulated time period and once you deposit the same, it shall not be refunded even in case of cancellation of your admission. Students of B.A./ B.Sc. & B. Com. Part II & III and M.A./ M.Sc. & M.Com. Final classes must deposit their college fee online.
- PHOTOCOPIES OF ALL PREVIOUS MARKS SHEETS AND CERTIFICATES, essentially self-attested by the applicants and countersigned by their parents/guardians MUST be produced with the printout of online submitted applications forms before the respective admission committees at the time of verification of original documents. Only after the verification of original documents is done, admission will get confirmed.
WARNING: (i) Without the self-attestations of the applicant and the countersigning of parents/guardians, the application shall be deemed invalid.
(ii) The genuineness of the attestation/countersigning stated above shall be the sole responsibility of the applicant/s. Any error, advertent/inadvertent, shall call for the cancellation of the application/s. - MIGRATION, TRANSFER AND CHARACTER CERTIFICATES OF THE LAST INSTITUTION IN ORIGINAL must be submitted to the admission committee at the time of verification of original documents, while applying for admission to B.A./B.Sc./B.Com. Part I, M.A, M.Sc., and M.Com., previous classes.
- Admitted students have to show their original marks sheets and all relevant certificates and documents for verification before admission committee after getting the admission letter, failing which their admission shall be cancelled. The details of the programme shall be put up on the college website.
- All admitted UG and PG students of (University other than CSJM, Kanpur) this college for the first time will have to generate their Web Registration Number (WRN) on the University Website “www.kanpuruniversity.org” otherwise their admission will not be treated as complete.