Dr. Joseph Daniel Principal
Dear students, alumni, and friends
Welcome to Christ Church College. I am extremely happy and honored to address you as the Principal of the college. Life is nothing but a journey from the stations of Birth to Death. In this journey, all that we come across and experience adds to our knowledge and wisdom. In the process of acquiring such knowledge and wisdom, we celebrate and blow out the candles of life. However, just raw knowledge gained by us does not constitute education. Thus, we attend schools, and colleges to enhance the knowledge we receive and gain expertise.
The process of receiving or giving systematic instructions at a school or university can be termed as education. Thus, the college as a team is here to play its role. We are on the giving end and you are on the receiving end. Like the sun shines on the plants we will also shine upon you and guide you in your path. However, we are mere guides and cannot walk your path for you. Therefore, it is up to you to use our instructions in a way that benefits you.
We are here to encourage you, to find your calling. Use every opportunity to prove your worth and move towards your goal because it is your success that inspires us to do what we do. So, you are welcome and free to use our campus to enlighten yourself for a better future. Our college as a team is committed to impart quality education to create resourceful and responsible citizens.