Admission Committee
This unit is responsible for conducting the admission process in a smooth manner, according to the rules and regulations laid down.
Members 2024-25
Members 2022-23
Internal Complaints Committee
The major functions of the Internal Complaints Committee involve implementing the Policy relating to the prevention of sexual harassment, resolving complaints by the aggrieved and recommending actions to be taken by the College Management.
Members 2024-2025
Report 2023-2024
Members 2023-2024
Activity Report 2022-2023
Member 2022-2023
Member 2021-2022
Members & Meetings
Policy Document
Library Advisory Committee
The College Library has a rich and growing collection of course and reference books, journals and daily newspapers to be used in the Reading Room by the students in their free time. Books will also be issued to students as per library norms.
Members and Student Representatives 2024-2025
Members and Student Representatives 2023-2024
Members 2022-2023
Members 2021-2022
Co-curricular Programs Committee
Widely varied co-curricular activities and contests are conducted at the Departmental, Intra-House, Inter-House and Inter-Collegiate Levels. Annual Cultural Programs are conducted under the Banner of “Abhivyakti”
Members and Student Representatives 2024-25
Consolidated Report 2023-24
Intercollegiate Techno- Cultural Fest KALANJALI 2024
YUVA UTSAV (District Level , Uttar Pradesh)
Members and Student Representatives 2023-24
Activity Report September 2022 To September 2023
Co-curricular Programs Committee 2023-24
Members and Student Representatives 2022-23
Student Representatives
Career Counselling Cell
The Career Counselling Cell offers vocational guidance, organizes career workshops and provides opportunities for campus interviews for placements.
Members and Student Representatives 2024 -2025
Annual Report 2023-2024
Members and Student Representatives 2023 -2024
Annual Report 2022-2023
Members 2022-2023
Activity Report 2015-2021
Activity Coverage
Policy Career Counselling Cell
Gender Sensitisation and Women Development Cell
The cell works for the welfare of the girl students by organizing various activities such as awareness talks, self-defence workshops and so on.
Members and Student Representatives 2024-25
Gender Sensitization and Women Development Cell Annual Report 2023-2024
Annual Report on Mission Shakti 2023-24
Annual Gender Sensitization Action Plan 2023-24
Members and Student Representatives 2023-24
Annual Report on Mission Shakti 2022-23
Gender Sensitization and Women Development Cell Annual Report 2022-2023
Annual Gender Sensitization Action Plan 2022-2023
Policy Document Gender Sensitisation and Women Development Cell
Members 2022-2023
Women Cell Report
Annual Gender Sensitization Plan 2020-2021 TO 2021-2022
Policy Document Women Cell
Student Representatives
Photo Gallery
Games and Sports Committee
Apart from regular and Annual Athletics, a wide range of games are conducted in the College, such as, Football, Cricket, Basketball, Tennis, Table Tennis, Kho Kho, Weight Lifting and Best Physique. College athletes and teams are trained and sent to various tournaments.
Members and Student Representatives 2024-25
Members and Student Representatives 2023-24
Student Representatives 2022-2023
Student Representatives 2021-2022
Games & Sports Policy
Environment Protection Cell
This Cell is responsible to keep the College Campus Clean and green and instill values of saving the environment and sustainable development. The Cell organizes various activities such as Plantation drives, Cleaning the campus, workshops and talks on the environmental protection.
Members and Student Representatives 2024-25
Activity Report 2023-24
Members and Student Representatives 2023-24
Activity Report 2022-23
Members and Student Representatives 2022-23
Activity Report 2015-2021
Policy Document
Value Education Cell
A good human being is the most valuable unit of society, and the country at large. This Cell helps in cultivating character and sound moral values in students, characteristics that make them complete individuals who contribute to society in various useful ways.
Members and Student Representatives 2024-25
Activity Report 2023-2024
Members and Student Representatives 2023-24
Activity Report 2022-2023
Members and Student Representatives 2022-23
Student Representatives
Institutional Academic Integrity Panel (IAIP)
As per the directive of UGC vide Gazette of India ref. No. 287 dated 31 July 2018, each Higher Educational Institution (HEI) is instrusted to constitute Academic Integrity Panel in its institution to observe academic integrity and originality so far as publication by faculty and students are concerned. The duration of panel shall be three years.
Members 2024-25
Policy Document
Media And Information Cell
The Media and Information Cell of the college is established to play a significant role in projecting college activities and disseminating information for students related to admission, academics, co-curricular activities, extension activities, examinations, and achievements of the college. The primary objective of the cell is to establish better links of communication of achievements of the college through the electronic, print, and social media platforms, especially, Newspapers, and electronic media.
Members and Student Representatives 2024-2025
Members and Student Representatives 2023-2024
Policy Document
Literary Activity Club
Literary Club is being constituted in the college to encourage the students to actively participate in various literary activities, like debate, discussion on issues and topics of contemporary interest. Students shall be encouraged to take lead in such activities. The club shall also organize talk by eminent scholars on periodic intervals.
Members and Student Representatives 2024-25
Members and Student Representatives 2023-24
Consolidated Report 2023-24
Members 2022-2023
Students’ Grievance Redressal Committee
The College has a students’ Grievance Redressal Committee which look into the complaints lodged by any student and judge its merit. The committee can suggest the final action to be initiated at the Institutional level for the redressal of the same.
Members and Student Representatives 2024-25
Annual Report 2023-24
Members and Student Representatives 2023-24
Members 2022-23
Members & Policy
This Club has been set up to foster awareness about the socio-economic benefits and prospects of Tourism.
Report 2023-24
Members and students Representatives 2023-24
Student Christian Movement (SCM)
All Christian students of the College are members of the College unit of the Student Christian Movement of India which organises religious and other activities/programmes for the all-round growth of students, both in and outside the College. Admitted students must quickly contact the SCM Committee/Staff Advisors for membership and active participation. A regular prayer service is held every morning in the college Chapel.
Annual Report 2023-24
Members and students Representatives 2023-24
Report 2022-23
Members 2022-23
Student Representatives
Report 2015-2021
Proctorial Board & Anti-Ragging Board | Dr. Ashish Kumar Dubey – Proctor | |
Career Counselling Cell | Dr.Meet Kamal – Coordinator | |
Library Advisory Committee | Dr. Navin K. Ambasht, Coordinator | |
Games and Sports Advisory Committee | Dr. Ashish Kumar Dubey, Coordinator | |
Co-curricular Programs Committee | Dr. Sanjay Saksena, Coordinator | |
Student Christian Movement Committee | Dr. Sabina R. Bodra, Coordinator | |
Value Education Cell | Dr. Shweta Chand, Vice-Principal | |
College Magazine Committee | Dr. Sujata Chaturvedi, Coordinator | |
Students’ Grievance Redressal Committee | Dr. A. Z. Khan, Coordinator | |
Admission committee | Dr. Satya Prakash Singh – Coordinator | |
Examination Committee | Dr. Anindita Bhattacharya, Coordinator | |
Environmental Protection Cell | Dr. Z H Khan, Coordinator | |
Gender Sensitisation and Women Development Cell | Ms. Mridula Samson, Coordinator | |
Internal Complaints Committee | Ms. Soofia Shahab, Contact No. – 9839676741, Email Id – | |
NAAC (AQAR) Steering Committee | Dr. Satya Prakash Singh – Coordinator | |
IQAC | Dr. Sujata Chaturvedi, Coordinator | |
NSS | Dr. Ashish Omar, Coordinator | |
NCC | Dr. Rameshwar Prasad Mishra, Coordinator | |
Bharat Scout Guide-Rovers and Rangers | Dr. Ashish Kumar Dubey – Incharge | |
Infrastructure Development and Maintenance Committee | Dr. R.K. Juneja, Coordinator | |
Institutional Academic Integrity Panel (IAIP) | Dr. Joseph Daniel, Principal – Patron Dr. Sujata Chaturvedi – Chairperson |
Research and Development Cell | Dr. Sunita Verma, Convener | |
Time Table Committee | Dr. R. K. Juneja – Convener | |
Literary Activity Club | Mr. Avadhesh K Misra – Coordinator | |
Innovation and Incubation Cell | Dr. Manish Kapoor – Coordinator | |
Cyber Security (Vocational Course) Implementation Committee | Dr. Ashutosh Kumar – Coordinator | Media And Information Cell | Dr. Anindita Bhattacharya – Coordinator |